
The bright sunrays were falling on a figure who was engrossed in reading a book under the bare sky in a big garden.

"Divs!" A girl called her from back with a smile as she turned back with the same gesture.

"You're so soon, today!"

"Actually, bhaiya didn't come home last night. He told me, he was stucked with some important works. Without him, I feel alone at my home. So, I thought college is better for me!"

"Thanks for coming early for me! Have you done the assignments? I know, you did it. Now give me the copies!" The girl named Shalini grinned.

"You forgot again?" Divya sighed controlling her laugh.

"You know very well, Divs. These aren't my cup of tea and I was busy with Mayur!"

"Are you two dating?"

"Not really, Just for timepass! He isn't my type!" Shalini shook her head.

"Forget about mine, What's your type?"

"I haven't listed ever. I don't believe in this type and all. Love is a feeling. It can happen any time at any place with anyone!"

"Oh Divs, you're too innocent, yaar! Now a days where you'll get a man like love material?"

"Maybe you're right or maybe not! Who knows what's written in our destiny?"

"I'll never understand your lectures on love!"

"Shalini, marriage and love happen at one time in whole life. Then why not wait for the right person and right timing? When your path will collide with the man of your dreams you'll be able to know, these feelings!"

"Oh, yeah! I've heard this dialogue! It's from SRK's film Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, right?

Hum ekbar jite hai, Ekbar marte hai, Shaadi bhi ekbar hoti hai, Pyar bhi ek hi bar hota hai!"

Shalini spread her both arms like Shah Rukh Khan while stating the dialogue as Divya hit her forehead seeing her antics.

"You're stupid, Shalini!"

"Okay, leave it! I forgot to tell you, Avyaan called me yesterday. He was asking me about you and your answer!"

"I already gave my answer to him!"

"I know but I guess, you should think once more about him. He really likes you, Divs!"

"But I really don't feel for him"

"Why? He is perfect. I mean, he is almost like you! Less talkative and more studious"

"As I said before, it's not about perfection, Shalini. It's about feeling"

"And I also said before, I won't ever understood your lectures on love and feelings! So, better to leave!"

They both started laughing and left for the classes.


The decorators and the maids started cleaning the whole mansion.

Rajveer was sitting on the arms chair placing one leg above another like last night and didn't move from there for a second. His eyes fell on his men who just went to move the 'Mandap'.

"Us mandap ko hat lagane ki himmat bhi mat karna! Shadi wohi hogi jaha pe hone wali thi!" (Don't you dare touch that! The marriage will be held on the same place where it was decided)

He threatened angrily as all nodded their heads with fear.

"Sir, we've got them!" As soon as the news came he got up from the chair.



Without wasting a single second Rajveer stormed out of the mansion.


Outside the mansion two men were holding Rishabh and two were holding Mrunali.

Rajveer came outside and rushed towards his sister.

"Doll!" He cupped her cheeks and pecked on her forehead but Mrunali turned her face with tears as she wasn't in a mood to do all these after how her brother brought them here.

"Don't cry! I know, doll! You haven't done anything. This bastard manipulated you"

"No, not at all! You're wrong, Veer Bhai! You're wrong this time! He didn't manipulate me. I, myself ran away with him because I love Rishabh. I've chosen him!" Mrunali spoke out loudly.

"I used to think, my Veer Bhai knows everything about me. He is the best! He'll never hurt me but__


Mrunali shouted at the top of her voice tearfully as anger raised in Rajveer's veins at higher speed. He turned and lashed out at Rishabh.

"I'm surprised with your audacity, man! You dared to play with Rajveer Singh Rathore that his dear sister is now against him?" He grabbed his collar and punched on his face hardly making him bleed.

"Veer Bhai! Leave him! I said, leave him!" Mrunali cried out.

"I love her and she loves me! End of the discussion! You're nobody, Mr. Rajveer Singh Rathore!"

Rishabh spat on his face.

"Wrong step! You don't know, who am I and what can I do!" He replied back looking straight into his eyes.

"Take them inside!" He ordered his men as they dragged them inside and tied them with chairs in a room.


"Sir, we've came to know about him. His name is Rishabh Agrawal. Age 28 years. Works as a clerk in a private bank. Salary 20,000 per month!"

"Only 20,000?"

"Y_Yes sir!"

"And with this, that bastard dared to look at Mrunali? My sister?" He banged on the table with his fists.

"And family?"

"He lives with his only younger sister! A college student!"

"Sister?" Rajveer frowned.

"Yes sir; he has a sister!" As soon as the information was disclosed infront of Rajveer a devilish smirk appeared on his lips.

"Bring her here!"

"O_Okay sir!" They nodded and left.

"Now you'll get to know, what happens when someone tries to mess with Rajveer Singh Rathore! You've played wrong by making my sister against me and manipulating her! You've played wrong! Now, I'll play with your sister and you won't be able to do anything. Just wait and watch!" He stated while cutting the queen with his king in the chess board.


"Divs, he was calling you!" Shalini came with a man near Divya as she looked at him with confusing eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked politely.

"Your brother, Rishabh has sent me and told me to take you near him" The man told her as she frowned.

"B_But where is he?"

"He is badly injured!"

"WHAT? B_BHAIYA?" Divya was shocked hearing him as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"He is asking for you again and again. Please come with me fast" Saying so, he opened the door of the car as she sat on the car immediately without thinking further.

"P_Please drive fast!"

She told with her trembling voice and looked outside from the window without knowing about her fate. Her innocence and simplicity didn't make her realise that she was badly trapped.


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