An amusing laugh echoed through the air as Omkar tried hard to control it but couldn't. Niharika remained looking at him and as usual lost herself in his charming smile. She was the first one who used to talk with him with no filter.
After sometime he focused on her while she was still looking at him. He loved how she used to make him feel special, how she used to care for him, how her heart was so pure without any negativity, How her approaching him never felt like she was a opportunistic who used to talk with him for her benefits.
Niharika immediately turned her blushing face when he caught her staring at him. He slowly put his palm over hers which was resting over her lap and intertwinedย their fingers.
"I don't know what it is but I like this feeling, Niharika. It's something new, fresh and something so pure" He took a deep breath and smiled.
"From childhood my parents compared me with others with my marks and my studies. As a kid I always wanted to be in their praises, in their good books but they always ignored me and never appriciated my efforts. Firstly I used to think they are busy in their own fields but at least they care about me but gradually the ignorance started increasing more and then I got used to it. If somehow my marks came low, instead of motivating me to do better in the upcoming test, they used to demotivate me by comparing me with the other classmates. After cracking the entrance exam I thought now they will understand what I'm lacking and they'll take me in their embrace but I was again wrong. They again compared me with others' ranking" He said shifting his gaze at the front and she was shocked to hear this.
"I had no friends from school days. They only used to talk to me when they needed me for their benefits. After coming to college I made only a few friends but they also talked with me when they needed me" He continued and then tightened his fingers as a smile automatically came on his lips while saying the next words.
"Then you came. Suddenly something changed. I like to talk with you. Your small lies that you only talk with me for help but I know why you talk with me and also started liking your company. I noticed you every time when you called me, I noticed every time when you came to talk with me making excuses. I started noticing everything"
Her heart fluttered and butterflies danced in her stomach when he said about him noticing her. Smile wasn't leaving her face.
"I like you Niharika" Omkar glanced at her who already became complete red. It was his effect on her.
"Amio tomake bhalobasi" (I love you too)
"Like, like. I like you too" Niharika bit her tongue she knew he wasn't ready for the shock she gave. She just stated she loved him in her own mother tongue.
"Even I too watch movies, so I understood very clearly what you said" She gasped hearing him as he had a teasing smile on his face. She looked away trying to hide her blush when he cleared his throat.
"I don't know about love, Niharika but I genuinely like you" He said warming her heart. Then he took out his mobile.
"Let's capture this moment forever"
She smiled coming closer to him as they clicked a photo together. Omkar gazed at her and found themselves too close to each other. He came more close and touched his forehead with hers as she closed her eyes breathing in his warm fragrance.
After sometime they parted ways and held eachother's hand.
"Let's go back"
She nodded and went towards their college.
They both entered the hall and got a little nervous seeing each and every eye on them. Niharika glanced at Omkar as he glanced back at her trying to understand the mess. Without understanding anything they proceeded to walk more and more when they were encountered with the hard glares of their professors.
"Niharika Roy, 1st year CSE"
Their principal and the HOD called her as she gulped her saliva.
"Y_Yes sir"
"Have you forgotten that you're on a college premises"
"N_No sir" Her throat dried hearing his cold voice.
"Then what the hell are these?" He shouted throwing her bag fuming in anger.
Niharika widened her eyes as soon as she saw the things in her bag. Omkar too was shocked as hell. She blinked her eyes seeing the whiskey bottles and some small packets in her bag.
"Sir, t_these aren't m_mine. Th_hese aren't. I don't h_have any idea how all these came into my bag"
"Then how the hell did all these come into your bag? Tell me? Don't you know these are prohibited in college premises"
"I_I don't know. Ma'am, sir p_please believe me these aren't mine" She said coming closer to them while Omkar was standing silently trying to know what the hell was happening.
How did all these come into her bag. He knew Niharika, she didn't look like those types of girls who were on weeds (It is actually one type of intoxicating powder which is made of dry leaves. It's wrapped around cigarettes and smoked. Never try this) alcohol. Then how the hell all these came into her bag. Some were gossiping, some were laughing, some were enjoying the drama, some were feeling pity and the rest weren't interested. He glanced at everyone to know who is behind it when his gaze fell on Reva and her gang whose eyes were fixed on Niharika and an unseen satisfactions were clearly visible on their face. His mind diverted to the worst possibilities and he understood the culprits behind this mess.
"Don't try to cover up now, Niharika. This is a really shameful act. Didn't your parents teach you anything?"
Her eyes filled with tears as she couldn't bear more. None was believing her and moreover they were bringing her parents.
"We've to call your guardian and have to inform them about all these. Then we will take further steps against you"
Her eyes widened more hearing this. Her parents wouldn't be able to take the humiliation. Niharika immediately wiped her tears and ran towards each and everyone.
"Ma'am please don't do this. They won't be able to take this. Please don't call them, please" She pleaded infront of them saying not to inform her parents.
Omkar was looking at everything with a hard face but his control broke seeing her tears and pleadings. His heart burnt as he came forward and said the most unexpected things making everyone gasp at their places.
"These are mine"
Each and every professor and student glanced at the owner of the voice with a horrified expression. Niharika who was still now sobbing hard turned abruptly hearing his voice.
"What are you saying, Omkar? Do you even know?"
"Yes sir, these are mine" He looked straight as the principal didn't know what to say.
It was a complete shock for all. Reva and her gang who were shocked for sometime smirked thinking however everything was going smoothly.
"Don't you know about the college rules? How could you do this?" He was silent for some time and looked at Niharika as she shook her head and pleaded with her eyes not to do this but he didn't stop.
"And why did you hide those into her bag?"
"Because it was a girl's bag and nobody is going to suspect her" He said as they gave an unbelievable look.
"You did a shameful act Omkar. We didn't expect this from you ever. You're the face of the college and how could you do this?ย As it's your first mistake, we're giving you a last chance and leaving you with only punishment. We will talk with your parents. You're suspended for four months" The principal announced and left.
With him everyone started leaving the place. Niharika immediately came near him and hit on his chest.
"Why did you do this? Why?" She cried helplessly.
"I know it wasn't you then why did you take the blame?" She asked trying to take any response from him but he wasn't giving any response.
Omkar looked at her and smiled bitterly.
"You also didn't do it then how could I let it come upon you? I know who did this and why"
She snapped her head at him.
"Reva and her friends"
"B_But what I did to them?" Niharika didn't understand any connection.
" You didn't but I did. That's why they tried to hurt me by hurting you. They might have seen us together" He said as she was shocked.
"If you get the punishment then college authority might have suspended you for long and it would be very difficult for you to get back into the good books of the professors but as I have good academic records and I'm the captain of the college football team they would never want me to leave, That's why I did that"
"I_I'm sorry" Niharika apologized with teary eyes as he wiped her tears and took her into a hug.
"Why are you sorry? These all happened because of me" Omkar huffed and tried to console her.
"What you'll tell your parents now?" She asked as he shrugged his shoulders not knowing.
"I'll miss you"
"I'll miss you too" He uttered and hugged her more tightly.
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